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Tips For Kids Tooth Health

Here are some tips and ways parents can take care of their Kids dental needs to avoid cavities

When is the right time for kids to start brushing their teeth

A baby’s tooth care should start before the first tooth appears, at this time yes its only the gum that we can see . As a matter of fact, during pregnancy, at the second trimester the teeth begins to form and at birth the baby has up to 20 primary teeth which are fully developed in the jaw.


Ways Of  Caring For The Toddlers Teeth.

Always run a clean washed damp towel over the gums of your baby to clear bacteria. This should done even before the baby’s tooth begin to spring up.

Wipe gums twice a day with a soft, clean cloth in the morning after the first feeding and right before bed to wipe away bacteria and sugars that can cause cavities.


As soon as your baby starts teething, its advisable to brush their teeth with toothpaste and brush made for kids. Plain Water and a little pinch of  toothpaste made with fluoride.

Kids can easily swallow the toothpaste that is why a s\tiny pinch is recommended in case you are using toothpaste without fluoride.


As your child gets to age 2, he or she spit out while brushing  and its good to avoid giving your child water to swish and spit out as this could easily make swallowing of the toothpaste possible.

Babies can get tooth decay. Putting a baby to sleep with a bottle can harm a baby's teeth. Sugars from juice, formula, or milk that stay on a baby's teeth for hours can eat away at the enamel (the layer of the tooth that protects against tooth decay). This can lead to "bottle mouth" or "baby bottle tooth decay." When this happens, the front teeth can get discolored, pocked, and pitted. Cavities might form and, in severe cases, the decayed teeth might need to be pulled.

Always supervise kids younger than 7 years while brushing, as they're likely to swallow toothpaste.

At  6 months old, they can switch from a bottle to a Sippy cup with a straw . This helps prevent liquid from pooling around a child's teeth. By one year, they'll have the motor skills and coordination to use the cup on their own.

If a child seems to be at risk for cavities or other problems, the dentist may start applying topical fluoride even before all teeth come in (this also can be done in the pediatrician's office). Fluoride hardens the tooth enamel, helping to ward off the most common childhood oral disease — dental cavities (also called dental caries).


What is tooth Cavity?

Cavities are permanently damaged areas in the hard surface of your teeth that develop into tiny openings or holes. Cavities, also called tooth decay or caries, are caused by a combination of factors, including bacteria in your mouth, frequent snacking, sipping sugary drinks and are not brushed away.

How Can We Prevent Cavities?

1. Start good oral habits as early as possible. Teach your kids to brush at least twice a day preferably morning and night with fluoride toothpaste and to floss regularly

2. Regular use of fluoride toughens the enamel, making it harder for acid to penetrate. Although many towns require tap water to be fluoridated, others don't. If your water supply is not fluoridated or if your family uses  purified water, ask your dentist for fluoride supplements. Most toothpastes contain fluoride and other don’t toothpaste alone will not fully protect a child's teeth. Be careful, however, since too much fluoride can cause tooth discoloration. Check with your dentist before supplementing.


3. Avoid Sugary foods, juices, chocolates,  candy (especially sticky gummy candy, gummy vitamins, or fruit leather or "roll-ups") can erode enamel and cause cavities. If your kids eat these foods, have them rinse their mouth or brush their teeth after eating to wash away the sugar. The same goes for taking sweetened liquid medicines: always have kids rinse or brush afterwards.

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